Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Photographic Story Board

The film starts off with a Panning shot of the local surroundings. The use of the panning shot establishes location. Where the opening is being set. The scene will use Non-Diagetic sound e.g. Cars honking and passing by and also the use of soundtrack. The scene would also use Natural Ambient Lighting. I got the idea of the use of the panning shot from Psycho, in the beginning where it showed off the tall buildings of Phoenix, Arizona.

The screenshot shows the tall buildings from a Bird's eye point of view

For my second Shot, I have two different options.

My first option is Kirsty walking towards the bridge and with her disappearing into a Vanishing Point.

1st Option - Kirsty starting really close to the screen and as she walks on, she disappears into a Vanishing Point.

Another option would be Kirsty coming in from a distance and getting closer to the screen.

                                        A long shot - Kirsty Getting closer and closer.

I got the idea of this from the ending of The Third Man, where Anna was walking from Harry's funeral

Anna started walking from a great distance and kept getting closer and closer.

For my Third shot I would be using an Over the Shoulder shot as Kirsty starts walking to the bridge.

There are two options for my fourth shot.

One of the options is having a  Tracking shot of Kirsty as she is walking across the bridge.

Another option would be Close-Up shots of Kirsty, while she is texting and walking on the bridge.

The shot uses a close-up shot of Kirsty with a phone on her hand and a watch on her wrist. I got  the idea from the beginning of The Third Man where it shows the people in the black market selling watches.

It would be something similar to this.

There is also another close-up shot of her face, which allows the audience to identify with her emotion.

The scene then cuts to another Over The Shoulder Shot of Mary walking through the park.

The film then cuts to a High Angle shot of Jane lying on a park bench, showing her being weak and vulnerable because her character is already dead.

The scene then cuts to Close Up Shots of Mary looking at Jane and stroking her face. The use of the close up shots shows her emotion, showing she's scared and seeing if she's still alive.

The scene then cuts into a Long Shot of Mary looking around to see if anyone is within the area. The use of the Long Shot shows isolation because no one is there to help her.

The scene then cuts into a Low Angle Shot of Harry (the perpetrator) looking at Mary. The Low Angle shows the shift of power between Mary and Harry.


The scene then cuts to a Tilt Shot of Harry standing and looking at Mary. The use of the Tilt Shot shows disorientation and kind of like a nightmare. I got this idea from The Third Man , when Harry Lime's character was first introduced.

My Tilt Shot


Harry Lime's Titlt Shot in his introduction

The scene then cuts into a Close Up Shot of Harry looking at Mary with a sinister look.

The scene then cuts into a Close Up Shot of Harry getting to Mary. I got the idea of this at the beginning of Kill Bill Vol.1 when Bill was walking to the Bride.

My Close Up shot of the feet walking to Mary.

The shot of Bill walking to the Bride


The scene then cuts into a High Angle shot of Mary with the perpetrator right int front of her, revealing her fate.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for comparing your ideas for camera shots and angles with real films. Note the problems with lighting and definitely lose the long shot of the city!!! It works well in Psycho, but this aerial shot of Phoenix in Hitchcok's film is followed by a zoom seamlessly cutting to a cheap hotel, cutting to a point of view voyeuristic shot which transports the audience through the window of the hotel, then cutting to Marion Crane in black underwear on a bed with her lover!!! This immediately establishes location and Marion's deviance!!!
    You haven't the technical facilities to do this thus focus on close ups and let the camera linger on the enigmatic man who is watching the girl. You may need to revise your story board.
