Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Planned Edit

Shot 1 Close Up Shot of Mary's feet as she walks through the pavement, the scene cuts
Shot 2 " " Mary's Phone as she texts, which then Fades to Black into a
Shot 3 Close Up shot of the Perpetrator as he watches by as Mary walks through the pavement which then Fades to Black into an
Shot 4 Over the Shoulder shot of Mary as she walks through the bridge. The scene then cuts to a
Shot 5 Close Up Shot of Mary texting on her phone with graphics coming up on what she's texting to her friend. The scene then dips to black into a
Shot 7 Over The Shoulder Shot of Mary as she walks through the park, in the end the shot begins to slow down, then it dips to black to a
Shot 7 High Angle shot of Jane lying on a park bench, the scene then cross dissolves into a close up shot of Mary looking at Jane, the scene cross dissolves into
Shot 8 Mary stroking her hand on Jane's face in a slow motion, the scene then dips to black to a
Shot 9 Low Angle shot of Mary as she kneels down to Jane. The scene then cross dissolves to a
Shot 10 Close Up shot of Mary's hand checkign Jane for pulses to see if she's still alive, the scene then cuts to a
Shot 11 High Angle shot of Mary as she sees if anyone's around. The scene then dips to black to a
Shot 12 variety of Long Shots with Dip to Blacks in between as Mary looks if anyone is around. The scene then cross dissolves into a
Shot 13 Low Angle, Over The Shoulder shot of Mary seeing the perpetrator right in front of him, the scene then cross dissolves into a
Shot 14 Tilt Shot of the perpetrator standing in front of Mary, the scene then dips to black to a
Shot 15: Another Close Up Shot of the perpetrator looking at Mary. the scene then dips to black to a
Shot 16: High Angle Shot of the perpetrator walking to Mary at a slow motion. The scene then dips to black to a
Shot 17: High Angle shot of Kirsty in slow motion taking the perpetrators hand then the scene dips to black.

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